Shaker Meal Ratio UltraMeal Strawberry and Water. No excuses for junk food or fast food.

We’ve added an Ultrameal Meal Ratio shake  (they are a complete meal ratio without any added food) to show how easy it is to make a metabolic drink instead of eating fast food or junk.

We are always getting asked how to make our Meal Ratio shakes so we are starting to put together some videos on how to make Meal Ratio shakes.   UltraMeals are sold on our online store in different flavors and types.   We sell shaker cups at our office, but not on the online store, yet.   But, they have become more popular and can be bought almost anywhere now.


About admin

Christian, Dad, Chiropractor, Wellness Coach, Church Goer, Soccer Enthusiast, and Beginning Guitarist
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