Wellness Category: Strength

Strength Exercise

restores proper muscle to fat ratios, strengthens the body reducing chemical imbalance and stress

Synergy Therapeutic Systems:

Easy on the joints and affordable system that can be done anywhere.

Description from their website:  see video at www.backtolifechiropracticky.com:
Our goal is to provide comprehensive, easy to use, functional exercise products & educational support for target exercise training, in order to optimize physical performance for individuals, athletes, for clinical rehab, for general wellness in the workplace, or for health and fitness at home and travel.   For over 15 years Synergy Therapeutic Systems have provided physicians, physical therapists, athletic trainers, coaches, teams, gyms, group classes and individuals with the most functional & economical exercise products & the most comprehensive, easy to follow area target exercise videos found in the market.  Our target exercise programs offer strengthening, conditioning for specific areas of the body to keep it strong, balanced and healthy, less prone to injuries and pain.

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New Exercises for the month:  Strength exercise page

Start off gradually.  Use a weight that causes your muscles to fatigue at the end of the set.  If you can’t use a weight, then do the motion until you  can use a weight.  Use Barbells (available at Jumbo sports, Play it again sports, Target, etc.)  3,5, 10, 15 – 45 pounds, etc. and elastic tubing for exercises.  Exhale when performing the strenuous phase of each motion.  Inhale while returning to starting position.  Protect your lower back from strain by tightening abdominal muscles and flattening low back area.  Study the position of each figure carefully before performing each exercise.  Perform all movements smoothly, never jerk or bounce from one position to another.

About admin

Christian, Dad, Chiropractor, Wellness Coach, Church Goer, Soccer Enthusiast, and Beginning Guitarist
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