Posture Proof

Posture Proof

In the past I have discussed the importance of maintaining good posture and maintaining the proper position of the neck. I also warned of habits such as texting, gaming, sewing, and even reading with head bent forward and how this can lead to numerous problems.  While I hope this makes some common sense, part of me presumes you would expect this kind of advice from one of those crazy chiropractors much in the same way those crazy dentists are always hounding us about flossing our teeth.  But just why is neck posture so important?

Beyond the painful symptoms of neck pain, shoulder problems and tension headaches, proper position and curvature of the neck relates to some very real and critical health functions. For example, multiple research studies show a loss of the normal curvature of the neck will reduce lung capacity by up to 30%.  Calliet, M.D. reported that decreased spinal curves and position affect the heart, lungs, and digestive systems.  In 1979, Korr displayed that faulty posture of the neck weakens the immune system and increases sensitivity to pain.  In a 2001 edition of Neurology India, it was reported that upper neck problems often result in disturbances in gait, dizziness, and loss of balance.  In 1974, Reich, M.D. reported that the decreased blood from abnormal posture is a major factor in all disease including cancer.  Dr. Freeman reported in 1997 that posture deviations result in overall poor health and quality of life as well as shortened lifespan.  Similar findings were reported in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery in 1981 stating that loss of spinal curves increase mortality and can take up to 14 years off your life.

So don’t just take my word for it! Maintain proper posture with good habits, exercise, chiropractic and massage.  Impress upon your kids that this is so important because like everything else, the mistakes they make now will be paid for later in life.  Look better, feel better and minimize these health problems simply by taking pride in your posture!  Oh, and keep flossing those teeth as well.


About admin

Christian, Dad, Chiropractor, Wellness Coach, Church Goer, Soccer Enthusiast, and Beginning Guitarist
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