Changing the Brain learning Memory Verses

Stress physiology is the perfect response to emotions of stress (fear, anxiety, worry, guilt, anger, etc.) — survival

Stress doesn’t even need to be a real threat – Werewolves

Can even be a real threat from memory!

The body responds perfectly either to the way God made you or to the interference you put there through the way you eat, move, and think!

This means that disease is a perfect response to interference.

You can fight the disease to remove the interference.

Changing the Brain learning Memory Verses

1.Write the Scripture you want to memorize in your or on blank business card stock. Begin with the topic of the verse and follow with the reference. Write the verse out and repeat the reference. Write the meaning of the verse, in your own words, on the back of the business card. For example, “Don’t worry. Matthew 6:25. So I tell you, don’t worry about the food or drink you need to live, or about the clothes you need for your body. Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothes. Matthew 6:25.”

  1. Read the Transformation Journal for Connecting to Wellness 2015 for day or the front of the business card out loud several times two or more times each day. You can do this while sitting at a traffic light, during meal times or between classes. Create a visual that reminds you of the verse, such as seeing clothes and food in a circle with a bright red line through the circle and the words “Don’t worry” flashing above it in vibrant neon colors.
  2. Create a tune for your verse, and sing it or find a tune that works well with your verse. Check books of Scripture songs to see if someone has already put the verse to music. Sing the verse several times a day as you walk or engage in other physical activity.
  3. Share your verse with someone, and teach it to him. You will retain more of the verse by teaching it than by utilizing other memorization tools, according to Strategies for Success.

5.Rehearse your verse at the end of each day. Include revisiting what the verse means to you during this study time. Think of ways to apply the verse. Spend 10 to 15 minutes doing this just before you go to sleep so this Scripture is the last thing you work with before going to sleep. Ask God to help you remember and commit the Scripture to memory as you sleep.

  1. Review your memorized verse at least once per week after you can accurately repeat it. This will allow you to move the Scripture from short-term memory to long-term memory.

Try this technique in your combined with reading your Bible on your Connecting to Wellness Cheat Sheet Checklist and start improving your Wellness Score.

About admin

Christian, Dad, Chiropractor, Wellness Coach, Church Goer, Soccer Enthusiast, and Beginning Guitarist
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