Daily Affirmations to help keep you connected by using your journal

One of the biggest challenges in today’s society with all the social media is staying connected to God to let His Spirit manifest in you to let His will influence the world.   His will not yours is what will influence the world in supernatural ways.   By using the daily affirmation in your  Transformation Journal for Connecting to Wellness 2015 you can become more connected to God to sustain this goal.   Even if you are having trouble keeping up with your Transformation Journal you can always do the Daily Affirmations portion.   Watch prior videos on how to use your Transformation Journal by subscribing to our YouTube channel.  Here is a short video on how to use the Daily Affirmation section of the journal.    Remember we have you print out the Journal so you hand write in your journal to improve your Nervous System score because of it’s para-sympathetic activity.

About admin

Christian, Dad, Chiropractor, Wellness Coach, Church Goer, Soccer Enthusiast, and Beginning Guitarist
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